Monday, January 5, 2015

New day

Since I last posted, I'm guilty of indulging in all the holiday goodies and meals. It's been great. I love food! But I know how to be sparing and that's my 20-15 goal: be sparing. I'm not the type to be able to cut something out completely. It makes me feel deprived and crave it! I'm better at sparingly having things. 
I have worked out and over a week ago. I am committed to four days a week starting this week. I did a mild jog/walk while pushing my baby in a stroller. Here we go! I'm ready to have the body I know back. 

--Bye Bye Fat, Hello Fit--

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Breaking Point

Tonight I had three pieces of pizza for dinner. Last night I had random odds and ends and the previous night, I had an entire bag of hot funyons. What am I doing to myself? I know better. I haven't steadily worked out since during pregnancy and my baby is one year old. I've given myself long enough to be lazy. Now my breathing is affected and I fit the same size clothes I fit five days after giving birth. This will be my outlet to help me along my journey. Enjoy the ride. :)

--Bye Bye Fat, Hello Fit--